Looking For Schools in Coventry?
Once you’ve found your property to rent in Coventry, getting your children sorted into a school is the next big task. There are plenty of schools in Coventry, and we’ve done all we can to make your search a little easier.
It can even change your decision on the exact location you choose within the city. Everyone wants the best schooling experience for their kids, so take a look at the currently ranked best schools within Coventry and see if any are near you.
Below are the top 3 ranked schools in Coventry according to schoolguide.co.uk.
Bablake School
This school is an independent school residing within the CV1 postcode in Coventry.
With a bus route nearby, there is an accessible route if you live slightly further away than walking distance. The school at its last check offered education to 758 pupils aged between 11 and 19. Acting as a high school. Bablake holds the top ranking on schoolguide.co.uk due to achieving great scores within the ranking system they provide.
There are not many details available online as they are a private school, but GOV.co.uk ratings say that pupils steadily make good progress between the different learning stages and levels within the school.
King Henry VIII School
King Henry VIII is an independent school that is located within the CV3 postcode. With a train station and a bus route nearby, the school is incredibly accessible from the surrounding areas as well as the immediate neighbourhood.
At its last check, the school taught 741 pupils aged 3 to 18 making it an education system for all ages. Holding second place in the schoolguide.co.uk rankings due to their great scores in the set ranking system. Similar to Bablake, this school has a specialised learning curriculum and is noted to nurture significant cognitive improvement for pupils between different learning stages.
Finham Park School
Unlike the other two on the list, Finham Park School is not an independent school residing with the CV3 postcode it has a bus route nearby. During its most recent check the school held 1480 pupils aged 11 to 18, making it the second high school on the list.
Gaining its ranking for its high standard of education according to School Guide UK’s standards. The government website states a 70% statistic for students achieving 5 GCSEs or more with 98% of pupils staying in further education or moving into employment after initial schooling ends. As well as this, they also hold the same ranking as the other top two schools for progress made by pupils between learning stages.
Another Top 5 ranking primary and high schools in Coventry. Not including the three schools already mentioned.
Top 5 primary schools in Coventry
1st Ranking – Christ the King Catholic Primary School – CV6 Postcode
2st Ranking – All Souls Catholic Primary School – CV5 Postcode
3rd Ranking – Moseley Primary School – CV6 Postcode
4th Ranking – St Osburg’s Catholic Primary School – CV1 Postcode
5th Ranking – Earlsdon Primary School – CV5 Postcode
Top 5 High Schools (After those shown above)
4th Ranking – Blue Coat Church of England School and Music College – CV1 Postcode
5th Ranking – Caludon Castle school Coventry – CV2 Postcode
6th Ranking – Bishop Ullathorne Catholic School Academy – CV3 Postcode
7th Ranking – President Kennedy School Academy – CV6 Postcode
8th Ranking – Cardinal Newman Catholic School A Specialist Arts and Community College – CV6 Postcode
If you are looking for any more information on the location you are moving to, be sure to speak to your Coventry Letting agent. They will be able to advise you on any queries you may have about the surrounding areas or amenities.